
111th Annual Research Conference on the Impact of Climate Change on Drinking Water Safety and Response Strategies
Reviewing the latest scientific basic data from the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report on Climate Change, it can be found that "human-caused" climate change has affected many extreme weather and climate events around the world, including hydrological cycle variability, monsoon rainfall and drought. The severity of wet events, each region is expected to experience compound changes more frequently, and from a physical science perspective, if anthropogenic global warming is to be controlled to a certain extent, the continued accumulation of carbon dioxide emissions needs to be suppressed to at least Net zero carbon emissions.
In recent years, global warming and climate change have caused extreme rainfall, making the use and allocation of water resources more difficult. Taiwan suffered from drought in the first half of 2021, and continued catastrophic heavy rainfall in the second half of the year. It can be seen that the frequency of extreme weather is becoming more and more frequent. It not only changes the time and spatial distribution of rainfall, but also has an impact on people's livelihood water supply systems, which may affect drinking water. water quality. Therefore, how to strengthen water source protection and catchment area management to maintain the stability of water supply quality, as well as establish a facility safety risk assessment mechanism to develop a water quality and quantity monitoring and early warning system, etc., are now in order to achieve the "2030 Sustainable Development Goals" (Sustainable Development Goals) launched by the United Nations in 2015. Development Goals (SDGs) Goal 6 "Ensure everyone has access to water, sanitation and their sustainable management" requires adaptation strategies in response to natural disasters.
This seminar will explain the drinking water safety mechanism in response to the impact of climate change, the research on drinking water risks during natural disasters, and related water quality management and adaptation strategies; it will also discuss the contingency measures and countermeasures for domestic water purification plants in response to natural disasters and the improvement of water quality. Management strategies and other issues, case explanations and experience sharing.