
Dr. Jr-Lin Lin

Current position: Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Engineering, Chung Yuan University
Office: Room 305, Biotechnology Museum
Phone: 03-265-4904
Research Laboratory: Water Environment Technology Research Laboratory (Room 409)
Email: jrlin@cycu.edu.tw
Ph.D., Environmental Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, Republic of China
Postdoctoral Research Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Chiao Tung University
Assistant Research Scholar, Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Chiao Tung University
Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Engineering, Chung Yuan University
Taiwan Water Industry Development Association Supervisor
Drinking water quality monitoring and safety
Environmental water treatment physical and chemical technology
Tap water supply operation management
Water quality management and pollution prevention
Smart water technology and management
Water and wastewater treatment technology
Smart water engineering and management
Water supply project
Resource recycling project
Resource recycling industry
Environmental physical and chemical treatment procedures
Environmental unit operations
Environmental Engineering Practice
Environmental Engineering Experiment
Environmental engineering special research