
Journal article

Jr-Lin Lin*;Fahrudin Sidik, “Harvesting of cyanobacteria and phosphorus by electrocoagulation-flocculation-flotation: Role of phosphorus precipitation in cell separations and organics destabilization”, 2024, Water Research, Vol.259, 121868. (SCI;IF:11.4) 下載
Sarah Mariska;Jr‑Lin Lin;Truong Thi Anh Tuyet;Nguyen Duy Hai;Huan‑Ping Chao, “Adsorption of methyl blue, dichromate, and copper on ettringite under various pH values”, 2024, Applied Water Science, 14:95. (SCI;IF:5.7) 下載
Arseto Yekti Bagastyo*; Fahrudin sidik; Anita Dwi Anggrainy; Jr-Lin Lin*; Lucky Caesar Direstiyani and Ervin Nurhayati, “Simultaneous removal of organic and nitrogenous compounds in mature landfill leachate by a hybrid electro-oxidation-dialysis (EOD) system”, 2024, Environmental Technology, vol.45, p. 867-869. (SCI;IF:2.2) 下載
Jr-Lin Lin;Fahrudin Sidik;Shyh-Fang Kang , “Harvesting of microcells from cyanobacteria-laden water by energy-efficient electro-flocculation-flotation with aluminum hydrates”, 2023, Journal of Water Process Engineering, vol.52, 103585. (SCI;IF:7.34) download
Jr-Lin Lin;Fahrudin Sidika;Shyh-Fang Kang, “Minimization of halogenated disinfection by-product precursors by Al-based electro-coagulation-flotation (ECF) towards cyanobacteria-laden water”, 2022, AQUA - Water Infrastructure, Ecosystems and Society, 71, 9, 1054. (SCI;IF:3.007) 下載
Jr-Lin Lin;Arthur Karangan;Ying Min Huang;Shyh-Fang Kang, “Eutrophication factor analysis using Carlson Trophic State Index (CTSI) towards non-algal impact reservoirs in Taiwan”, 2022, Sustainable Environment Research, vol.32, 25, p.1-12. (SCI;IF:4.98) download
Jr-Lin Lin*;Mega Sidhi Nugrayanti;Arthur Karangan, “Effect of Al hydrates on minimization of disinfection-by-products precursors by coagulation with intensified pre-oxidation towards cyanobacteria-laden water”, 2022, Science of the Total Environment, Vol.810, 152251. (SCI;IF:10.753) download
Arseto Yekti Bagastyo;Fahrudin Sidik;Anita Dwi Anggrainy;Jr-Lin Lin;Ervin Nurhayati, “The performance of electrocoagulation process in removing organic and nitrogenous compounds from landfill leachate in a three-compartment reactor”, 2022, Journal of Ecological Engineering, Vol.23, 2, p.235-245. (ESCI;IF:1.339)download
Jr-Lin Lin*;Aldeno Rachmad Ika, “Pre-oxidation of Microcystis aeruginosa-laden water by intensified chlorination: Impact of growth phase on cell degradation and in-situ formation of carbonaceous disinfection by-products”, 2022, Science of the Total Environment, Vol.805, 150285. (SCI;IF:10.753)download
甘其銓;林秀雄;蔡利局;林志麟;楊惠玲;林欣慧, “飲用水水質處理混凝劑其CNS標準修訂之研析-以聚氯化鋁為例”, 2021, 中華民國自來水協會會刊, vol.40, (3), p.1-10.download
Jr-Lin Lin*;Mega Sidhi Nugrayanti;Aldeno Rachmad Ika;Arthur Karangan, “Removal of Microcystis Aeruginosa by oxidation-assisted coagulation: Effect of algogenic organic matter fraction changes on algae destabilization with Al hydrates”, 2021, Journal of Water Process Engineering, vol.42, p.102142-102142. (SCI;IF:5.485) download
Marsha Savira Agatha Putri;Jr-Lin Lin;Lin-Han Chiang Hsieh;Yasmin Zafirah;Gerry Andhikaputra;Yu-Chun Wang, “Influencing factors analysis of Taiwan eutrophicated reservoirs”, 2020, Water, vol.12, p.1-16. (SCI;IF:3.103) download
Jr-Lin Lin*;Aldeno Rachmad Ika;Chun-Chen Tseng, “Effect of in-situ formed Al hydrates through long-term aging on enhanced particle destabilization by PACl coagulation”, 2020, Journal of Environmental Sciences, vol.92, p.200-210. (SCI;IF:5.565) download
Jr-Lin Lin*;Aldeno Rachmad Ika, “Minimization of halogenated DBP precursors by enhanced PACl coagulation: The impact of organic molecule fraction changes on DBP precursors destabilization with Al hydrates ”, 2020, Science of the Total Environment, vol.703, 134936. (SCI;IF:7.963) download
林志麟;黃英閔, “智慧水網發展探討:智慧水表之應用研究 ”, 2019, 中華民國自來水協會會刊, vol.38, (4). p.1-8.download
Jr-Lin Lin*;Aldeno Rachmad Ika, “Enhanced coagulation of low turbid water for drinking water treatment: Dosing approach on floc formation and residuals minimization”, 2019, Environmental Engineering Science, vol.36, p.732-738. (SCI;IF:1.907) download
Jr-Lin Lin*;Aldeno Rachmad Ika, “Effect of Al speciation on residual turbidity and Al minimization by coagulation with single and dual dosing”, 2019, Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology-AQUA, vol.68, p.51-62. (SCI;IF:1.644) download
Jr-Lin Lin*;Shyh-Fang Kang, “Analysis of carbon emission hot spot and pumping energy efficiency in water supply system ”, 2019, Water Supply, vol.19, p.200-206. (SCI;IF:1.275) download
Lap-Cuong Hua;Jr-Lin Lin;Shu-Ju Chao;Chihpin Huang, “Probing algogenic organic matter (AOM) by size-exclusion chromatography to predict AOM-derived disinfection by-product formation”, 2018, Science of the Total Environment, vol.645, p.71-78. (SCI;IF:7.963) download
Jr-Lin Lin; Lap-Cuong Hua;Shih Kai Hung;Chihpin Huang, “Algal removal from cyanobacteria-rich waters by preoxidation-assisted coagulation–flotation: Effect of algogenic organic matter release on algal removal and trihalomethane formation”, 2018, Journal of Environmental Sciences, vol.63, p.147-155. (SCI;IF:5.565) download
Lap-Cuong Hua;Jr-Lin Lin; Ming-Yang Syue;Chihpin Huang;Pei-Chung Chen, “Optical properties of algogenic organic matter within the growth period of Chlorella sp. and predicting their disinfection by-product formation”, 2018, Science of the Total Environment, vol.621, p.1467-1474. (SCI;IF:7.963) download
Lap-Cuong Hua;Jr-Lin Lin;Pei-Chung Chen;Chihpin Huang, “Chemical structures of extra- and intra-cellular algogenic organic matters as precursors to the formation of carbonaceous disinfection byproducts”, 2017, Chemical Engineering Journal, vol.328, p.1022-1030. (SCI;IF:13.273) download
Nguyen Thi Thuy;Chih-Pin Huang;Jr-Lin Lin, “Visualization and quantification of transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) in freshwater using an auto-imaging approach”, 2017, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, vol.24, p.17358-17372. (SCI;IF:4.223) download
Jr-Lin Lin;Lap-Cuong Hua;Y.T. Wu;Chihpin Huang, “Pretreatment of algae-laden and manganese-containing waters by assisted-oxidation coagulation: Effects of oxidation on algal cell viability and manganese precipitation”, 2016, Water Research, vol.89, p.261-269. (SCI;IF:11.236)download
Jr-Lin Lin;Chihpin Huang;W.M. Wang, “Effect of cell integrity on algal destabilization by oxidation-assisted coagulation” , 2015, Separation and Purification Technology, vol.151, p.262-268. (SCI;IF:7.312) download
Jr-Lin Lin;Chihpin Huang;B. Dempsey;Jing-Yi. Hu, “Fate of hydrolyzed Al species in humic acid coagulation” , 2014, Water Research, vol.56, p.314-324. (SCI;IF:11.236) download
Jr-Lin Lin;Jill R. Pan;Chihpin Huang, “Enhanced particle destabilization and aggregation by flash-mixing coagulation for drinking water treatment”, 2013, Separation and Purification Technology, vol.115, p.145-151. (SCI;IF:7.312) download
Jr-Lin Lin;Chihpin Huang;Jill R. Pan;Y. S. Wang, “Fouling mitigation of a dead-end microfiltration by mixing-enhanced preoxidation for Fe and Mn removal from groundwater”, 2013, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, vol.419, p.87-93. (SCI;IF:4.539) download
Chihpin Huang;Jr-Lin Lin;Wen-Shan Lee;Jill R. Pan;Bingqing Zhao, “Effect of coagulation mechanism on membrane permeability in coagulation-assisted microfiltration for spent filter backwash water recycling”, 2011, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, vol.378, p.72-78. (SCI;IF:4.539) download
Chihpin Huang;Jr-Lin Lin;C. L. Wu;C. P. Chu, “Recycling of spent filter backwash water using coagulation-assisted membrane filtration: effects of submicrometre particles on membrane flux”, 2010, Water Science & Technology, vol.61, p.1923-1929. (SCI;IF:1.915) download
Jr-Lin Lin;Chihpin Huang;Ching-Ju M. Chin;Jill R. Pan, “The origin of Al(OH)3-rich and Al13-aggregate flocs composition in PACl coagulation”, 2009, Water Research, vol.43, p.4285-4295. (SCI;IF:11.236) download
Jr-Lin Lin;Chihpin Huang;Ching-Ju M. Chin;Jill R. Pan, “Coagulation dynamics of fractal flocs induced by enmeshment and electrostatic patch mechanisms”, 2008, Water Research, vol.42, p.4457-4466. (SCI;IF:11.236) download
Jr-Lin Lin;Ching-Ju M. Chin;Chihpin Huang;Jill R. Pan;Dongsheng Wang, “Coagulation behavior of Al13 Aggregates”, 2008, Water Research, vol.42, p.4281-4290. (SCI;IF:11.236)download
Jr-Lin Lin;Chihping Huang;Jill Ruhsing Pan;Dongsheng Wang, “ Effect of Al(III) speciation on coagulation of highly turbid water”, 2008, Chemosphere, vol.72, p.189-196. (SCI;IF:7.086) download
Chi-Wang Li;Jr-Lin Lin;Shyh-Fang Kang;Chung-Lin Liang, “Acidification and alkalization of textile chemical sludge: Volume/solid reduction, dewaterability, and Al(III) recovery”, 2005, Separation and Purification Technology, vol.42 , p.31-37. (SCI;IF:7.312) download